Text "HCFW" to 797979       (615) 321.0005
Finding Healing in the Midst of Pain and Loss

Finding Healing in the Midst of Pain and Loss

Throughout my many years of working with families who have grieved the loss of a child, I have learned so much about the power of healing in the midst of great pain and personal loss. There are three lessons that have repeated themselves over and over again, and I...
5 Habits of Confident People

5 Habits of Confident People

Everyone suffers from insecurities or the occasional lack of confidence. Especially when trying something outside of your comfort zone, like interviewing for a new job, starting college, or trying a new workout class, it’s easy to feel inferior to the other people...
Easy Ways to Become More Organized

Easy Ways to Become More Organized

There are two types of people in the world: the kind that are organized, and the kind that try to be. I’m definitely the latter. I make myself feel better about this by remembering that science shows that messy surroundings lead to creative thinking. Therefore, I’m...