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The holidays and vacation are over. School is starting again. The Christmas tree really needs to come down (at least at my house – please tell me I’m not the only one.) On this first work week of the new year, we’re pretty optimistic about 2016, but instead of making New Year’s Resolutions, which have about a 99.9% chance of failing, our staff decided to make some 2016 goals. Goals are good. Goals sound better than resolutions. 🙂

In 2016, here are the achievable goals of the Hope Clinic staff:

Amy – Get my husband through Nursing School!!!

Cindi – To be still with God and know Him. To be still with my family and friends, let them know I value them and love them by listening with all my heart and attention.

Desirée – I would like to do yoga more…

Elise – To pray more often and more intentionally and to become a better rock climber!

Emmely – To have more intentional family fun time.

Katie – To slow down more. And be kinder to myself.

Kelley –

  1. Get back into a workout routine
  2. Read 20 books
  3. Do 4 Bible Studies
  4. Floss – on my list every single year

Mallori – To de-clutter, be more organized, and to complete things I start (books, projects, etc).

Renée – To love people more and love well. Frankly if I do that everything else will fall into place.

Sara – To be slower to speak and quicker to listen and learn.

Stasi – My goals for 2016 are to travel to visit family more, embrace imperfection and vulnerability, and invest deeply in my church and community of friends.